Camphor (Karpura – कर्पूर) holds immense significance in Ayurveda for its powerful medicinal properties. Derived from the Cinnamomum camphora tree, camphor is widely used in aromatherapy, pain relief, respiratory health, skincare, and mental well-being. Ancient Ayurvedic texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtanga Hridayam praise camphor for its Vata and Kapha balancing effects, cooling nature, and deep-penetrating potency. Known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, camphor plays a crucial role in treating cough, congestion, joint pain, stress, and digestive disorders. It also enhances immunity, improves circulation, and supports emotional well-being. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend Bhimseni Karpura (edible camphor) for medicinal uses, while synthetic camphor is restricted to industrial applications. This blog explores the Ayurvedic benefits of camphor, its references in Charaka Samhita, dosha-balancing properties, and its modern applications in holistic healing.
What is Camphor?
Camphor is a white, crystalline substance with a strong penetrating aroma. It is known for its cooling and soothing properties, making it a staple in Ayurvedic medicine, religious rituals, and household remedies. Camphor is found naturally in the wood of the Cinnamomum camphora tree, native to China, Japan, and India. In Ayurveda, both natural and edible camphor (Bhimseni Karpura) are used for medicinal purposes.
Sourcing and Extraction of Camphor
Camphor is obtained through different methods:
1. Natural Sourcing
- Camphor is extracted from the Cinnamomum camphora tree by steam distillation of the bark, wood, and leaves.
- The crude extract is then purified and crystallized to obtain natural camphor.
- The highest quality camphor is known as Bhimseni Karpura, which is edible and used in Ayurveda for medicinal purposes.
2. Synthetic Camphor
- Produced from turpentine oil through a chemical synthesis process.
- Used in industrial applications but is not recommended for medicinal or edible use in Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic Properties of Camphor (Karpura)
According to Ayurvedic pharmacology (Dravya Guna Vigyana), camphor possesses the following properties:
- Rasa (Taste): Tikta (Bitter)
- Guna (Qualities): Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
- Virya (Potency): Sheeta (Cooling)
- Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect): Katu (Pungent)
- Dosha Effect: Pacifies Kapha and Vata, but can increase Pitta in excess
Charaka Samhita References
The Charaka Samhita, a foundational text in Ayurveda, mentions camphor in several contexts:
- Antipyretic Action: “Karpura is effective in treating Jvara (fevers), especially those caused by Kapha and Vata.” (Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana 3/159)
- Pain Relief: “It relieves pain, stiffness, and muscular discomfort due to its penetrating and analgesic properties.”
- Respiratory Benefits: “Karpura is beneficial in cough, congestion, and dyspnea by clearing the respiratory channels.”
Camphor Benefits in Ayurveda: Uses, Properties & Charak Samhita References
Camphor in Ayurveda: A Sacred and Medicinal Herb
In Ayurveda, camphor is derived from the Cinnamomum camphora tree. It is known for its strong “Teekshna” (sharp), “Ruksha” (dry), and “Sheeta” (cooling) properties, making it an excellent Kapha pacifier and a Vata balancer in certain conditions.
According to Charak Samhita (Sutrasthana 1.68):
“Sheeto ruksho laghushchaiva karpuro vishahrit param |
Shleshma vata jwaran hanti deepanam hridya meva cha ||”
Camphor is cooling (Sheeta), dry (Ruksha), and light (Laghu). It acts as a powerful detoxifier, reduces Kapha-Vata doshas, alleviates fever, and improves digestion.
Top 10 Ayurvedic Benefits of Camphor (Karpura) with Charaka References
1. Enhances Respiratory Health (Kapha-Pacifying)
Camphor is widely used in Ayurvedic steam inhalation, oils, and balms to clear congestion, open blocked sinuses, and relieve cold, cough, and asthma.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 3.149)
“Karpurah pranayoh shuddhih swasa-kasa-vinashanah” – Camphor purifies the respiratory channels, relieving asthma (Swasa) and cough (Kasa).”
✅ Uses:
- Mix camphor with coconut oil and apply on the chest for cold relief.
- Inhale camphor steam to clear nasal congestion.
2. Relieves Pain and Muscle Stiffness (Vata-Pacifying)
Camphor has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it excellent for joint pain, muscle stiffness, and arthritis.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Siddhi Sthana 9.84)
“Karpuram vedana hanti, visham chapi pranashayet” – Camphor alleviates pain and neutralizes toxins.*
✅ Uses:
- Massage camphor oil on aching joints for instant relief.
- Use in herbal pain-relief balms.
3. Enhances Digestion and Relieves Bloating (Deepana & Pachana)
Camphor improves Agni (digestive fire) and alleviates bloating, gas, and stomach cramps.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Sutra Sthana 27.246)
“Deepanam pachanam chaiva karpuram kshaya vatanut” – Camphor enhances digestion and alleviates abdominal discomfort.*
✅ Uses:
- A tiny pinch of edible camphor in Ayurvedic formulations helps improve digestion.
4. Promotes Mental Clarity & Relieves Stress (Medhya Rasayana)
The cooling aroma of camphor calms the nervous system, relieves anxiety, and improves focus and concentration.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 24.24)
“Karpura gandhah mano harshe, tamah prashamayet tathaa” – The scent of camphor uplifts the mind and removes mental darkness.*
✅ Uses:
- Burn camphor in the evening to promote positivity.
- Add a few drops of camphor oil to a diffuser for stress relief.
5. Boosts Immunity and Fights Infections
Camphor has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, making it a powerful natural disinfectant.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 3.151)
“Karpurah rakta shuddhishcha, jwaran hanti bahun tathaa” – Camphor purifies the blood and combats fevers.*
✅ Uses:
- Use camphor-infused water to disinfect surfaces naturally.
- Apply camphor paste to wounds to prevent infections.
6. Supports Skin Health (Kusthaghna – Anti-Skin Disorders)
Camphor treats acne, eczema, and fungal infections with its antimicrobial and cooling properties.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Chikitsa Sthana 7.171)
“Twak doshan hanti karpurah, kushtha shodhanam param” – Camphor detoxifies skin disorders and cleanses impurities.*
✅ Uses:
- Apply camphor oil on pimples to reduce inflammation.
- Use camphor in bathing water for skin detox.
7. Natural Insect Repellent
Camphor acts as a powerful mosquito and insect repellent due to its strong pungent smell and antimicrobial properties.
✅ Uses:
- Burn camphor to repel mosquitoes naturally.
- Place camphor in wardrobes to prevent moth infestation.
8. Treats Headaches and Migraines
The cooling and analgesic properties of camphor relieve migraines, sinus headaches, and tension headaches.
✅ Uses:
- Apply camphor balm on the forehead for instant relief.
- Inhale camphor vapors for sinus headaches.
9. Aids in Spiritual and Energy Cleansing
Camphor is used in Homas, Pujas, and Yoga practices for purifying energy and balancing the environment.
📖 Reference – Charak Samhita (Vimana Sthana 8.145)
“Karpura dhupa shuddhyartham, doshan apakaroti cha” – Camphor smoke purifies the air and removes negative energies.*
✅ Uses:
- Burn camphor during prayers for positivity.
10. Enhances Hair Growth and Scalp Health
Camphor stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, reducing dandruff and hair fall.
✅ Uses:
- Mix camphor with coconut oil for scalp massage.
Ayurvedic doctors often share hidden and lesser-known benefits of camphor that go beyond its commonly mentioned uses. Here are some unique, rare, and practitioner-insight-based benefits of camphor (Karpura) that you might not find in mainstream Ayurveda texts but are well-recognized in clinical practice:
1. Improves Libido and Treats Erectile Dysfunction (Vajikarana Effect)
- Camphor is known to have an Aphrodisiac (Vajikarana) property when used in the right quantity.
- It helps in stimulating blood circulation, which can help with erectile dysfunction (ED) and low libido.
- However, excessive use can have the opposite effect and suppress libido.
✅ Usage:
- A tiny pinch of edible camphor mixed with warm milk is sometimes used in traditional Vajikarana therapies (only under expert guidance).
- Camphor-infused oil can be massaged on the lower back to enhance circulation.
2. Reduces Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis Treatment)
- Camphor has “Stambhana” (astringent) properties, which help in controlling excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
- It tightens pores and regulates the sweat glands, especially on palms and feet.
✅ Usage:
- Mix camphor powder with rose water and apply it to sweat-prone areas.
- Add camphor to bathwater to prevent excessive sweating and body odor.
3. Strengthens the Voice and Treats Hoarseness (Swara Shuddhi)
- Camphor is known to improve voice clarity and is widely used by singers, speakers, and teachers.
- It lubricates the throat, reduces inflammation, and clears mucus, making the voice smooth and strong.
✅ Usage:
- Mix a tiny pinch of edible camphor with honey and consume it for a clear voice.
- Inhaling camphor-infused steam helps in reducing throat congestion.
4. Heals Deep Emotional Trauma and Grief
- In Ayurveda, camphor is considered to have a “Sattvic” (pure, uplifting) energy, making it effective for emotional healing.
- It is believed to clear deep-seated grief, past trauma, and negative emotional blockages.
- It is used in energy healing, Reiki, and meditation practices to cleanse the aura.
✅ Usage:
- Burning camphor during meditation enhances spiritual vibrations.
- Applying camphor oil to the forehead and temples before sleeping can aid emotional detox.
5. Boosts Bone Strength and Heals Fractures Faster
- Camphor is said to enhance calcium absorption and aid in the faster healing of fractures and joint issues.
- Ayurvedic doctors recommend it as part of bone-strengthening formulations.
✅ Usage:
- Camphor oil massage on affected areas enhances bone healing.
- Mix camphor with sesame oil for a strengthening bone massage.
6. Natural Remedy for Nightmares and Sleep Disorders
- Camphor is known to help in calming subconscious fears and nightmares.
- It creates a protective energy field, preventing disturbing dreams and ensuring deep sleep.
✅ Usage:
- Place a camphor piece under the pillow for peaceful sleep.
- Diffuse camphor oil in the bedroom to ward off negative energies.
7. Stimulates Memory and Cognitive Function (Medhya Rasayana)
- Camphor is used in Ayurveda for improving memory, focus, and learning abilities.
- It helps with age-related cognitive decline and is believed to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
✅ Usage:
- A drop of camphor oil applied to the temples enhances memory power.
- Burning camphor in a study room improves concentration.
8. Detoxifies Harmful Toxins from the Body (Ama-Pachana)
- Camphor has powerful detoxifying properties, helping to eliminate “Ama” (toxins) from the body.
- It is often used in panchakarma therapies to purify the system.
✅ Usage:
- Camphor-infused steam baths help remove toxins from the skin.
- Ayurvedic doctors sometimes recommend it in special detox therapies.
9. Acts as a Natural Antidote for Poison & Insect Bites
- Camphor is traditionally used as an antidote for mild poisoning, snake bites, and insect stings.
- It neutralizes venom and reduces swelling instantly.
✅ Usage:
- Apply camphor paste directly to an insect bite to reduce pain and swelling.
- Some Ayurvedic formulations use camphor in antidotes.
10. Protects Against Electromagnetic Radiation (Vastu Remedy)
- According to Ayurveda and Vastu Shastra, camphor is believed to absorb negative energies from electronic devices like mobile phones, WiFi routers, and TVs.
- It can neutralize the electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation in the home.
✅ Usage:
- Place camphor near electronic devices to balance energy.
- Burning camphor daily neutralizes EMF stress on the body.
Ayurvedic Recipes & Remedies Using Camphor (Karpura) for Healing Various Diseases
Camphor (Karpura) is a potent Ayurvedic medicine used in various forms like Kwath (decoctions), Arka (distillate), Lepa (paste), and oil infusions to treat a wide range of ailments. However, edible camphor (Pachak Karpur or Bhimseni Karpur) should always be used in very small, controlled quantities due to its strong potency.
Below are some traditional Ayurvedic preparations using camphor for different health conditions.
1. Camphor Infused Herbal Concoction for Cold, Cough & Asthma
📖 Best for: Respiratory congestion, cough, asthma, bronchitis
🌿 Dosha Balance: Kapha-Vata pacifying
- 1 cup water
- ½ tsp dried Tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves
- ½ tsp crushed black pepper
- ½ tsp grated ginger
- 1 small clove
- A tiny pinch (less than 10 mg) of edible camphor (Pachak Karpur)
- 1 tsp honey
- Boil water, Tulsi, black pepper, ginger, and clove for 5-7 minutes.
- Remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly.
- Add a tiny pinch of edible camphor and honey. Stir well.
- Sip slowly while warm.
- Drink once daily for relief from cough, asthma, and nasal congestion.
- Inhale the steam of this decoction to clear sinuses.
2. Camphor & Ajwain Kwath (Decoction) for Indigestion & Gas
📖 Best for: Bloating, acidity, gas, poor digestion
🌿 Dosha Balance: Kapha-Vata pacifying, Deepana (digestive stimulant)
- 1 cup water
- ½ tsp roasted carom seeds (Ajwain)
- ½ tsp fennel seeds (Saunf)
- ¼ tsp dry ginger powder
- A pinch of edible camphor
- Boil Ajwain, fennel, and dry ginger powder in water for 10 minutes.
- Let it cool for 2 minutes and add a tiny pinch of edible camphor.
- Stir well and drink warm.
- Drink after meals to relieve indigestion and gas.
- Massage camphor oil on the stomach for instant relief from bloating.
3. Camphor Milk for Insomnia & Stress Relief
📖 Best for: Anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, overthinking
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata-pacifying, improves mental clarity
- 1 glass warm cow’s milk
- 1 tsp Ashwagandha powder
- A pinch of edible camphor
- ½ tsp rock sugar or honey
- Warm the milk and mix Ashwagandha powder in it.
- Add a tiny pinch of edible camphor and sweeten with rock sugar/honey.
- Stir well and drink before bedtime.
- Drink daily before sleeping for relaxation and deep sleep.
- Also useful for reducing anxiety and emotional stress.
4. Camphor Oil Massage for Joint Pain & Arthritis
📖 Best for: Rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, stiffness, sciatica
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata pacifying, improves circulation
- 2 tbsp sesame oil or mustard oil
- ½ tsp dried camphor powder
- ½ tsp turmeric powder
- Warm the oil and mix in camphor powder and turmeric.
- Let it sit for 10 minutes.
- Massage gently on painful joints or stiff muscles.
- Use daily to relieve arthritis pain and stiffness.
- Also helps with sciatica and muscle spasms.
5. Camphor & Neem Paste for Skin Infections & Acne
📖 Best for: Acne, eczema, fungal infections, rashes
🌿 Dosha Balance: Pitta-pacifying, detoxifies skin
- 1 tbsp Neem leaf paste
- ½ tsp Sandalwood powder
- A pinch of edible camphor
- 1 tsp Rose water
- Mix all ingredients into a smooth paste.
- Apply on affected areas and leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with warm water.
- Use 2-3 times a week for acne and skin infections.
- Also helpful for eczema, psoriasis, and fungal rashes.
6. Camphor & Clove Remedy for Toothache
📖 Best for: Toothache, gum infections, bad breath
🌿 Dosha Balance: Kapha-pacifying, antiseptic properties
- 1 clove
- A pinch of edible camphor
- Crush the clove and mix with a pinch of camphor.
- Apply this paste directly to the affected tooth or gum area.
- Use as needed to relieve tooth pain.
- Also prevents gum infections and bad breath.
7. Camphor Steam Therapy for Headaches & Migraines
📖 Best for: Sinus headache, migraine, stress relief
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata-Kapha pacifying
- 1 liter hot water
- A pinch of edible camphor
- 3-4 Tulsi leaves
- Add camphor and Tulsi leaves to hot water.
- Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for 5-7 minutes.
- Inhale once daily to relieve headaches.
- Also useful for mental clarity and relaxation.
Precautions While Using Camphor in Remedies
✔ Use only edible camphor (Pachak Karpur or Bhimseni Karpur).
✔ Never consume more than a tiny pinch (~5-10 mg per dose).
✔ Avoid long-term internal consumption without Ayurvedic consultation.
✔ Not recommended for pregnant women & infants.
✔ Never apply camphor oil directly to open wounds.
How to Use Camphor for Making Ayurvedic Medicines for Serious Ailments
Camphor (Karpura) is a powerful Ayurvedic medicine used in treating serious ailments like asthma, epilepsy, paralysis, chronic skin diseases, arthritis, and heart disorders. Below are some authentic Ayurvedic medicinal formulations using camphor, with full recipes, usage instructions, and precautions.
1. Camphor & Licorice Kwath for Chronic Asthma & Bronchitis
📖 Best for: Chronic asthma, bronchitis, wheezing, breathlessness
🌿 Dosha Balance: Kapha-Vata pacifying, lung detoxifier
- 2 cups water
- 1 tsp Licorice (Mulethi) root powder
- ½ tsp Black pepper (Kali Mirch) powder
- ½ tsp Ginger powder (Sonth)
- A small pinch (less than 10 mg) of edible camphor (Pachak Karpur)
- 1 tsp honey (optional)
- Boil water, Licorice, Black Pepper, and Ginger for 10 minutes.
- Remove from heat and allow it to cool slightly.
- Add a tiny pinch of edible camphor and honey. Stir well.
- Sip slowly while warm.
Who Can Take It?
✅ Adults (above 18 years): ½ cup, twice daily
✅ Elderly: ½ cup, once daily
🚫 Not for children under 12 or pregnant women
How to Take It?
- Take on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime for best results.
- Continue for 3-4 weeks under Ayurvedic supervision.
2. Camphor Arka (Distilled Medicine) for Epilepsy & Neurological Disorders
📖 Best for: Epilepsy, seizures, Parkinson’s, memory loss
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata-Kapha pacifying, Medhya Rasayana (brain tonic)
- 500 ml water
- 2 grams edible camphor (Pachak Karpur)
- 1 tsp Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) powder
- 1 tsp Shankhpushpi powder
- ½ tsp Black sesame seeds (Kala Til)
- Mix all ingredients in water and boil on low flame until the quantity reduces to 250 ml.
- Strain and store in a glass bottle.
- Keep in a cool, dark place.
Who Can Take It?
✅ Adults: 2 tsp, twice daily
✅ Elderly: 1 tsp, twice daily
🚫 Not for children, pregnant women, or those with high BP
How to Take It?
- Take with warm cow’s milk or lukewarm water on an empty stomach.
- Continue for 4-6 weeks under supervision.
3. Camphor Oil for Paralysis & Stroke Recovery
📖 Best for: Paralysis, stroke, nerve damage, muscle atrophy
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata pacifying, increases circulation
- 200 ml Sesame oil or Mustard oil
- 5 grams Camphor powder
- 1 tsp Ashwagandha powder
- 1 tsp Dashmool powder
- Heat the oil on a low flame.
- Add Camphor, Ashwagandha, and Dashmool powder and stir well.
- Let the oil cool and strain it. Store in a glass bottle.
Who Can Use It?
✅ Adults and elderly suffering from paralysis or nerve weakness
🚫 Not for children or people with hypersensitive skin
How to Use It?
- Warm the oil slightly and massage affected areas twice daily.
- Continue for 3-6 months for visible improvement.
4. Camphor & Guggulu Pills for Severe Arthritis & Joint Pain
📖 Best for: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, severe joint pain
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata-Kapha pacifying, anti-inflammatory
- 5 grams Guggulu resin
- 2 grams Edible camphor powder
- 1 gram Shallaki (Boswellia) powder
- 1 gram Ginger powder
- Heat Guggulu resin on low flame until soft.
- Mix in Camphor, Shallaki, and Ginger powder.
- Shape into small pea-sized pills and let them dry.
- Store in an airtight container.
Who Can Take It?
✅ Adults & Elderly: 1 pill, twice daily
🚫 Not for children, pregnant women, or people with kidney issues
How to Take It?
- Take with warm water or milk after meals.
- Continue for 2-3 months for best results.
5. Camphor & Amla Rasayana for Heart Health & Blood Circulation
📖 Best for: High cholesterol, heart blockage, weak heart muscles
🌿 Dosha Balance: Vata-Pitta pacifying, cardiac tonic
- 1 tsp Amla (Indian Gooseberry) powder
- ½ tsp Arjuna bark powder
- A pinch of edible camphor
- 1 tsp honey
- Mix all the ingredients into a paste using honey.
- Store in a glass jar.
Who Can Take It?
✅ Adults: 1 tsp, once daily
🚫 Not for people with extremely low BP or heart arrhythmia
How to Take It?
- Consume on an empty stomach in the morning.
- Continue for 3-6 months for improved heart health.
6. Camphor & Turmeric Lepa for Chronic Skin Diseases
📖 Best for: Psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections, vitiligo
🌿 Dosha Balance: Pitta-Kapha pacifying, detoxifying
- 1 tsp Turmeric powder
- ½ tsp Neem powder
- A pinch of camphor powder
- Rose water (as needed)
- Mix all ingredients into a smooth paste using rose water.
- Apply on affected areas and let dry for 20 minutes.
- Wash with warm water.
Who Can Use It?
✅ All ages except infants
🚫 Not for open wounds or extremely sensitive skin
How to Use It?
- Apply twice a week for best results.
How to Differentiate Between Artificial and Original Bhimseni Camphor (Kapur)
Bhimseni Camphor (also called Natural Camphor) is widely used in Ayurveda, pooja rituals, and aromatherapy. However, artificial camphor (synthetic camphor) is often sold as a substitute, which can be harmful to health.
Here’s how to identify original Bhimseni Camphor and differentiate it from artificial camphor:
✅ 1. Check the Appearance
🔹 Original Bhimseni Camphor
✔️ Has an irregular, crystalline structure (not perfectly shaped tablets or blocks).
✔️ Appears white with a slightly fibrous texture.
✔️ Breaks easily into smaller pieces when crushed.
🔹 Artificial Camphor
❌ Comes in perfectly shaped, uniform blocks or tablets.
❌ Looks too smooth and polished, indicating machine processing.
❌ Harder texture, difficult to break by hand.
✅ 2. Smell Test
🔹 Original Bhimseni Camphor
✔️ Has a mild, pleasant, and natural aroma that is refreshing.
✔️ The scent feels light and does not cause irritation in the nose or throat.
🔹 Artificial Camphor
❌ Has a strong, chemical-like smell due to synthetic processing.
❌ Can cause mild throat or nose irritation when inhaled.
✅ 3. Burning Test (Purity Test)
🔹 Original Bhimseni Camphor
✔️ Burns completely without leaving any residue or black smoke.
✔️ Produces a clean white flame and evaporates entirely into the air.
✔️ The smoke is light and does not cause headaches.
🔹 Artificial Camphor
❌ Leaves black residue or powder after burning.
❌ Produces dark smoke with a chemical odor.
❌ Can cause eye irritation or discomfort when inhaled.
✅ 4. Water Solubility Test
🔹 Original Bhimseni Camphor
✔️ Dissolves in water completely, leaving no residue.
✔️ Water remains clear and fresh-smelling.
🔹 Artificial Camphor
❌ Does not dissolve completely, leaving an oily or powdery residue.
❌ Water may become cloudy or smell unnatural.
✅ 5. Price & Source
🔹 Original Bhimseni Camphor
✔️ Slightly expensive due to its natural extraction from camphor trees.
✔️ Typically sold in Ayurvedic stores or organic markets.
🔹 Artificial Camphor
❌ Much cheaper since it’s chemically manufactured from turpentine oil.
❌ Commonly found in local grocery stores or chemical supply chains.
💡 Final Tips to Ensure You Buy Pure Bhimseni Camphor
✅ Always buy from trusted Ayurvedic brands or authentic stores.
✅ Look for labels mentioning “100% Natural” or “Derived from Cinnamomum Camphora (Kapur Tree)”.
✅ Avoid camphor that feels overly smooth, smells too strong, or burns with dark smoke.
Buy original best quality Bhimseni Karpur on Amazon
Precautions While Using Camphor in Medicines
✔ Always use edible camphor (Pachak Karpur/Bhimseni Karpur).
✔ Never exceed the recommended dosage to avoid toxicity.
✔ Not suitable for long-term internal use without Ayurvedic consultation.
✔ Pregnant women, infants, and people with epilepsy should avoid it
Precautions and Contraindications
- Do not consume synthetic camphor, as it is toxic to the liver and nervous system.
- Excessive use can increase Pitta dosha, leading to acidity, burning sensations, and dizziness.
- Pregnant women and children should use camphor with caution and only under Ayurvedic guidance.
Camphor (Karpura) is a remarkable Ayurvedic herb with diverse medicinal, spiritual, and therapeutic benefits. From respiratory relief to pain management and skin care, camphor plays a crucial role in holistic well-being. However, its purity and correct usage are essential to harness its full potential. By incorporating natural Bhimseni camphor into your daily routine under Ayurvedic supervision, you can experience its profound healing properties.
If you wish to explore camphor’s benefits further, consult an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized guidance.
- Charaka Samhita, Chikitsa Sthana
- Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India
- Traditional Ayurvedic Texts